miercuri, 12 mai 2010

17th day of 56. 72 kilos

hello, today i had a very busy day, i just entered the house after i was out since 8,30 am. but i did many things including visiting a good friend and meeting new persons there. i met today a lady who is so much alike :) i really had good times there.

same ol weight 72 kilos so no losing weight, but i have to be happy to not lose a lot of kilos and put back some quickly.

i haven't eaten anything yet, just drank 500 ml of water even if my friend invited me to chocolate, biscuits and juice. i said no, i'm on diet. trust me i would not have done it before :)

what else? nothing now, i will do some exercises even if i moved a lot today so i did some sport :)

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