joi, 29 aprilie 2010

5th day

yesterday I haven't found the time to write at all but anyway, no big news....still 74 kilos, that's why I decided to go back to a diet given to me by my doctor and then I will return to healthy life. i know that with this diet I will lose around 7 kilos in 3 weeks so I need results because my brain is already getting depressed and I hate when he is doing that to me :)

so today I will eat fish and only fish. water at least 2 litres...and nothing else.


miercuri, 28 aprilie 2010

3rd day

yesterday things got bad because I had muscular fever and I just couldn't move as I wanted. So I kinda rest and I turned off my pc and all stuff...

Today I started by cheating as I ate some chocolate. My mistake I left home without eating something to have my stomach full so the result will be more exercises today and less food.

In the afternoon I have to go to an anniversary but I will try not to cheat again. I will ask for lots of water and I will say I have eaten at home. I am so sorry for eating that piece of chocolate.

p.s.: 74 kilos today too...:(

luni, 26 aprilie 2010

2nd day (first half) :))

I woke up thinking to my sport program already and I did what I wanted. I almost succeeded in doing Cindy' and Radu' s all sport-tape and I am quite happy.

I have still 74 kilos, for 2 days but I am not scared of that. I eat healthy and I do sport everyday. That what really matters. My body will soon woke up too and will consume fat resources :))


Now I am preparing to eat some milk and cereals then it's time to think what to cook for my husband and I. Some turkey or goose with broccoli, mushrooms, tomatoes...I don't know yet. Time will tell :)

first day, 56 more to go

today i woke up with sport in my mind and diet in my stomach...i did some running for 15 minutes because the first day is the hardest and I don't want to be too stressed already.

i ate some yogurt, a banana, broccoli and mushrooms :) it was a lovely meal :))

well, right now i am already thinking to tomorrow :)

p.s.: Thank God for strength today and hope He will be with me tomorrow too...

duminică, 25 aprilie 2010

57 days to losing weight

hello. Saturday I started my own diet. I will try to lose between 5-10 kilos till my birthday, that's is 21st of June. Now I am veeeery fat. Saturday I had 75 kg, today I have 74 kg...

This is a very important battle for me, I am doing it like never before. I want to be a little healthier and not a little slimmer. It's a huge difference my approach this time. Tomorrow all my fitness "instruments" I have in the living-room will wake up from almost-an-year sleep :) and they will have the bad luck to be turned on :)

Of course, I have a diet too. Not restrictive like other times when I started in force, but lost all my senses in 3 weeks. Now it's a small-portion diet combined with non-fat groceries, yogurt and water. Lots.

Well, stay tuned as I will write everyday about my battle. God help me !

vineri, 23 aprilie 2010

stay away...I make people suffer...

today I will do a list with my defects as I see the tendencies to have those reveal by friends:

- selfish
- arrogant
- bulimic
- narcissist
- lazy
- mean
- and many moooooore...

miercuri, 21 aprilie 2010

dear world

dear world,

today I saw "Dear John" movie that really impressed me. It's about love, war, strong feelings. About life. Do we know when our life is going to change? Do we have the chance to say NO to bad things in our life? Do we want to say NO to things that are meant to be? Oh, he** no...We don't. So why when we have the chance to live our life in happiness and joy we choose different?

War is a way of living your fear. There is no need of war in Afghanistan or Irak to live it. Some people have their own war back home. Some people don't even bother to fight back, some others choose to fight even if there is no war out there. Everywhere I look there is a war. In our souls, in our every-day struggle to succeed...Love is war. Sometimes you are in peace with your mate, sometimes you wished you never met him/her. We are so desperate to win our war that we no longer search for peace.

People fight for pleasure of fighting. Couples fight for the pleasure of getting back together, others fight at work for the pleasure to win a bonus, others...well, others fight for their lives.

Do we ever fight for goodness? Do we ever succeed in ending a world-wide war? Do we ever love each other so much that we can put our hand on our hearts and swear NEVER to fight for bad?

Maybe I am senseless. But today I choose not to fight... I maintain my spirit cool and calm. I want to believe you will choose to bare your soul to fight today. Good and positive energy helps you and all the world.

Can we be positive today?

sâmbătă, 17 aprilie 2010

letter to my broken-heart

today I will tell a story, my story...even if everyone will blame me for telling my personal stuff through a blog, but I can handle it.

my sister and I were always a very hard "couple", we love each other very much, but we were never alike. I was always very available for others, and what I want to say by that is I felt well when others came to me to reveal something, when they had problems and needed a shoulder. I live my life by helping others. At least I'd love to think that...

my sister had always been the celebrity in our house, that's how I discovered I loved to stay in the shadow. She always had concerts, always a glamorous life and so many friends. but still I confess I loved more my life, stable and hidden of others.

now, we are both adults, living in Romania and France, I am married, she lives in Paris, we see each other one time at 3-4 years only because we never synchronize our schedule. I think about her every moment of my life because she is alone in there...

...but lately we fought for a stupid thing. And now, we don'speak anymore and I feel like my whole world turned upside down and I can't breath.

celebrity is not important for me, I make a big mistake by believing for others is the same. My life is a "DO NOT DISTURB " sign but I don't expect people surrounding me to live like me. I prefer being emphatic than selfish, even if the world we live in presses us to be different than we are naturally. :(

My sis' is one of the most important persons in my life, but her fame is too hard to handle...:(
My life is not the same without her voice, without her calls...

today I said a story...a sad and true one...

P.S.: Happy birthday to one of my best friend (I only have 2 bestfriends), Mihaela, I hope God will give you health, strenght and courage to fulfill all ur dreams. Kisses and hugs.

duminică, 11 aprilie 2010


aşa cum am promis şi am zis că n-o să mă ţin de promisiune (lol), nu am mai scris de câteva zile. nu că nu s-ar fi întâmplat nimic important între timp, dar de fiecare dată când m-am apucat, m-a cuprins aşa o lene...:) glumesc...

ieri, sâmbătă, mi-am petrecut-o cu soţul meu, firesc, normal şi logic...astăzi, situaţia se repetă. oricum, poate că aparent nu se întâmplă nimic special în vieţile noastre, dar cred că de fapt exact această normalitate ar trebui să ne bucure. dacă par uşor logoreică şi fără sens, să ştiţi că vina îi aparţine acestui minunat vin roşu, pur românesc. EL E VINOVAT! Bineînţeles că n-o să îmi asum eu vina pentru tendinţa destul de apăsătoare de a tasta mult si senseless, cum ar zice americanii :))

o să revin mai târziu că acum sunt sub efectul duşmanului :)

joi, 8 aprilie 2010

new friend

hello, everyone. Today is a new day in everything...

I have just watched "Julie and Julia", an exceptional movie about goals, blogging and cooking :) it inspired me to write something tonite. I am very modest in this. I had so many diaries but never lived to tell I did an awesome job :) I find myself in a spirit of writing nothing important for others, but for my soul.

I propose myself to write everyday here, maybe it will be the opportunity to understand myself better because sometimes I don't know who's in front of the mirror. Wow, it sounded like a melody. Is my life a sad song? Hey, what idea is this? Hey, who are you writing in my blog? :)) I forgot to express myself...

Anyway I am usually a normal human-being, but right now I am laughing and crying in the same time. It is so strange for me to write my own feelings..

Maybe this is not after all a good idea, but who knows? maybe it is, after all... do you find a meaning in what I say? I don't...yet...Hey, I am an ambivalent person. Not my fault, but my astrological's sign :)

Well, this is my first try. I know tomorrow I will laugh...very much about today's :)


new day

hello everyone. my first day as a blogger and I am so shy about it. I just saw "Julie and Julia" the movie and I got so into writing something. I had the idea of creating a blog, I hope I will have constancy in that :) enough for now.