vineri, 16 decembrie 2011


Hi everyone.

Today is all about sickness. My baby's...

Like all mothers I am always interested my baby gets the best from doctors even if it costs sometimes much more than we can imagine. But, hey, kids are our hearts, our angels. Everything.

Starting thursday my baby started to develop fever, especially in the evening so that you can't sleep as u maybe imagined few hours ago. Yes, I read a lot about kids care, babies are even more likely to become sick for no reasons. But even if u are educated you find yourself in the situation you don't know how to react. I started to medicate the medicine prescribed for fever and I waited. No sign, 1 hour..2 hours...the nite became day. I kinda slept several minutes in hours. But, who cares?

The next day the same story...the following nite the same...

I don't give medicines to my baby immediately or run to the doctor because I have the impression they all have contracts with medicine companies and they prescribe you different types of pills just that they can gain money from it.

Anyway, it is also known it is not always well to medicate fever with antibiotics in kids because of the possibility that they can develop child's sicknesses and you are not allowed to give any pill if this is the case.

But the 3rd day I called his doctor. She came home, prescribed an antibiotic for tummy fever and I kinda relaxed thinking we're on the good path.

Unfortunately, baby had this morning the highest fever till now so I rushed to his paeditrician and told her the whole story. Of course, she prescribed way different medicines and hopefully, Reuben Christian is going to feel better. As I write, he is sleeping. Thank God. He needs it...I need it :)

The moral of the story: wait and see. You need to know facts, to have information for doctors as they prescribe pills for anything if you don't have all the details. Run to emergency if fever need to wait!

Have a nice week-end!

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