miercuri, 7 decembrie 2011

The story of the fish :)

Hi everyone. Havent written in days because i decided to play and talk more with my son as he is 8 months old and i need to communicate all the beauties of the world. We are watching cartoons like "the story of the 3 little pigs" or "jungle book", we listen christmas carrols, it is such a pleasure to have a baby that understands and responds more.
But beside this, i read, i write and i plan lots of things. I have just read "the story of the fish" by garr reynolds, that wrote "presentation zen" and i need to share it with you. It has a nice moral.
"dear garr,
When you talked about cutting text that appears in slides, i remembered a story from my indian childhood.
After Vijay opened his fish store he wrote an announcement " here we sell fresh fish". His father came by and suggeested to Vijay that the word "we" focuses on the seller not on the client so it is not necessary to be written in the sentence. So the text was replaced to "here selling fresh fish".
Next day, Vijay was visited by his brother that suggested he can erase the word "here" because it wasnt useful. Vijay agreed and he replaced the paper with "selling fresh fish".
Then, his sister came by, telling him that the paper should only contain "fresh fish" as it is obviously they are selling, being a store.
Later, his neighbor came by to congratulate him, mentioning that all the passers-by could tell the fish was obviously fresh. Saying the word "fresh" in the announcement it was like wanting to justify yourself for not being sure it is. There was no doubt the fish was fresh. So, now, on the window the announcement contained this message: "fish"
While Vijay was coming back to his store, after a break, he noticed he could identify immediately the fresh fish by its smell, even if from that distance, the announcement could not have been read.
So he realised there was no need on the paper announcement of the word "fish"
How was it? Did u get the moral?
I think saying less is more important...

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